Welcome to MTA Publishing - the publisher for easy to produce, well-crafted musicals suitable for any budget. Since our coming on-line in 1996, our works have been performed in theatres all over the world.
All our shows incorporate orchestral CD’s of the entire show (for either rehearsal purposes, or for performance) as well as the original cast CD albums, while some also have the option of parts for a live orchestra pit.
To access the show links, please click on the "Switch to MusicaNeo" link on the top right hand corner of your screen and type in the show you are interested in within the search box. If you experience any problems, please contact Stephen at: sdecesare@gmail.com
List of shows are as follows:
- A Christmas Carol (CD version) (Male and Female Cast versions available)
- A Christmas Carol (full orchestral version)
- The American Civil War
- Abelard & Heloise: the musical
- Advent Lessons & Carols
- Alpha and Omega (the life of Jesus musical for kids)
- Bearskin: the musical
- Bible Rock: the musical
- Children's Festival of Lessons & Carols
- Christmas Every Day: the musical
- Competition: the musical
- Everyman: the musical
- Faustina: the musical
- Feo (The Ugly Duckling)
- Fourth Wise Man: the musical
- For Those Left Behind
- Gift of the Magi: the musical
- The Happy Prince: the musical
- Juggler of Notre Dame: the musical
- Jungle Book: the musical
- Lest We Forget: a holocaust oratorio
- Little Red Riding Hood: the musical
- Missa De Profunctis (conductor score and parts)
- The Noel Candle: a Christmas Musical
- Our Lady Of Fatima: the musical
- Passion of Jesus (musical/opera)
- Peter Rabbit: the musical
- The Picture Of Dorian Gray: the musical (Score, Script and Orchestra Parts)
- The Picture of Dorian Gray: the musical (Score, Script, Orchestra Parts and CD Tracks)
- Princess Aleia (Sleeping Beauty): the musical
- Prodigal Son: the musical
- Rage Of Love: the musical
- Requiem (Score with accompaniment tracks)
- Requiem (Full score and Parts)
- The Rock Bracelet: the Mother's Day musical
- Santa Claus And The Christ Child (musical/opera)
- Selfish Giant: the musical
- Tenebrae: Behold the Wood of the Cross (with accompaniment tracks)
- Tenebrae: O Faithful Cross (with accompaniment tracks)
- Tenebrae: A Service Of Shadows (with accompaniment tracks)
- What Would Jesus Do?: the musical
- Why The Chimes Rang: the musical